A little update


There are going to be some changes in my everyday routine, other than changing of the hideous background of my blog… Yesterday (20.3.2009) was the last day of my employment. I still have a mild hangover from the nice little wine tasting with couple of my work colleagues. It’s also finishing of the 3rd year of my professional IT experience as a programmer (9 months Accenture, 27 months Ars-Nova) – meaning this is already 3rd year during which i’ve been actually given money for sitting behind computer. So I’ve decided to take a little break. Most likely not from sitting behind computer, only from being given money.

What now?
Now this. For the next 1-2 weeks I’m transfering to Denmark, for no apparent reason. A friend just went and asked if I’d join and I said, well I’m free, so why the hell not ? I never planned this and that’s what I like about it.

Then I return. Probably bored from goal-lessly sitting and watching the shores of some cold seas, I’ll return full of enthusiasm for creating something. Hopefully. I’ve already figured out a project. It will be a software project about displaying information for guests of summer open air festivals or other cultural undertakings of that rank. It’s been on my mind for about a year now and I still feel that it might be a good idea. Which is good, because usually after 1 month I tend to dump most of my ideas. So this one is a good candidate to be realised, because
1. It has survived
2. It’s so far the only one I have

That’s the plan. And the other parallel plan is to contribute more to this blog. We’ll see…

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