Last update: May 15 2007
Currently R3lib is being developed under Windows XP, Eclipse and GNU Tools. All software needed for development except Windows is open-source. I am currently using this setup for development of 1.1.0 version of r3lib, that will contain Java API. This means that r3lib now contains two subprojects r3lib(c project) and r3lib4j(java project) and environment needs non-trivial setup for debugging of JNI calls.
Other versions may work too, but the process was checked with these.
These paths will be created in system. Some of them will be created by software installation, others need to be created manually.
We have to add following paths to PATH environment variable (using My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment variables)
If PATH variable doesn't contain <WINSYS_DIR>, add it too. <CYGWIN_DIR> shouldn't be defined, so that MinGW and Cygwin don't get mixed.
Copy r3lib.dump file into <SVNDB_DIR>
Enter directory <SVNDB_DIR>
Enter following commands
svnadmin create r3lib |
This will create and load subversion repository diffengine.
Now we have to create windows service, so that other tools can access the repository
sc create svnserve binpath= "<SVN_DIR>\bin\svnserve.exe
--service --root <SVNDB_DIR>" displayname= "Subversion Repository"
depend= Tcpip |
Then we start it and optionally we can set it to start automatically on Windows start-up
In Eclipse, open perspective 'SVN Repository Exploring ' (Window > Open Perspective > Other... > SVN Repository Exploring) and add new repository location
Check-out trunk/r3lib as new project (Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard), name it 'r3lib', make it a 'Managed Make C Project' and choose Project Type 'Shared library (GNU on Windows)'
New directory '<WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib' will be created.
Create new subdirectory '<WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib\output' . It is used for debugging output.
Create file <WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib_postbuild.bat with following content:
cp <WORKSPACE_DIR>/r3lib/Debug/r3lib.dll
<WORKSPACE_DIR>/r3lib4j/lib |
GCC settings
Java project:
Check-out trunk/r3lib4j as new project (Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard), name it 'r3lib4j' and make it a 'Java Project'. Other settings can be left default.
Create folder <WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib4j\lib.
In Properties > Java Build Path > Source click on r3lib4j folder and set "Native library location" to workspace location r3lib4j/lib
Create file <WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib_javah.bat with following content:
cd <WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib4j |
This will be used if a native method signature in the class R3Tree is changed and c headers have to be re-generated.
Eclipse Settings
Settings in Window > Preferences:General > Workspace > Build automatically - leave unchecked (my personal preference)
Let's say we have created Java Application Debugging Profile for project r3lib4j and we are in debugging perspective stopped on breakpoint just before call of native method. The Debug view should show name of system process that runs the java code. It should be <JRE_DIR>\bin\javaw.exe. Now we'll have to attach gdb debugger to this process.
Make sure that breakpoints are set in C code in the native method we are about to call.
Create new debugging configuration (Run > Debug...) of type 'C/C++ Attach to Local Application' for project r3lib.
Main tab: Choose <JRE_DIR>\bin\javaw.exe as 'C/C++ Application' on the Main configuration tab.
Debugger tab: Debugger: Cygwin gdb debugger, GDB debugger: <CYGWIN_DIR>\bin\gdb.exe
Source tab: Source > Add... > Path mapping. Then edit the mapping and add mapping 'Cygwin Path Translation' that properly translates your <WORKSPACE_DIR>\r3lib path from cygwin to normal representation. Now something about cygwin path representation. As part of debug information gcc includes paths to sourcefiles in final .dll, but it includes them in cygwin format. For example if we have directory 'E:\WORKSPACE\r3lib' cygwin format is '\cygdrive\e\WORKSPACE\r3lib'. That's why we need 'Cygwin Path Translation' mapping.
When debug configuration is done, press Debug button on Main tab and attach to the <JRE_DIR>\bin\javaw.exe process. There may be more such processes running in the system, you have to choose the right one. All threads in gdb debugger will be suspended. Make them running. This shouldn't do anything with the java debugger. Now return to java debugger (stopped just before native call) and press F8 (Resume). GDB debugger should now stop at defined breakpoint in native method.
This document serves mainly as notes for me, so that I don't forget how to configure my environment. There may be steps that I forgot to describe, but that wouldn't be fun if everything worked for the first time just by following some manual exactly step-by-step.
(c) Michal Linhard 2006-2007