Data structure for representation of maximal repeats in strings

Diploma thesis home page

Author: Michal Linhard

Thesis advisor: Tibor Hegedus

Last changed: May 01 2007


In this diploma thesis we present data structure for representation of maximal repeats in strings
- R3 tree, based on well known data structure - suffix tree. It requires O(n) space and it can be
constructed in O(n) time and space for string of length n over constant-sized alphabet. We formalize repeat in
string S as triple (p1, p2, l), where p1, p2 are two distinct positions in S and l is the length of the repeat.
We formulate query for maximal repeats in S in the form of the function findPairs(p1, k, S)
that returns all pairs (p2, l) such that (p1, p2, l) is maximal repeat with l >= k. R3 tree allows
computation of findPairs queries in optimal time O(z), where z is the number of found pairs. We
also describe design and functionality of R3lib - library written in C, for finding maximal repeats
in arbitrary binary data, that works with proposed structure.


Name Last change Link
Diploma thesis - final version may 01 2007 pdf
Diploma thesis TeX sources + figures - final version may 01 2007 zip
Diploma thesis - working version apr 24 2007 pdf
Diploma thesis - working version apr 23 2007 pdf
Diploma thesis - working version apr 10 2007 pdf
Diploma thesis - working version mar 26 2007 pdf
Diploma thesis - working version mar 22 2007 pdf
Fourth presentation for seminar (slovak) feb 2 2007 pdf, odp
Third presentation for seminar (slovak) nov 29 2006 pdf, odp
Second presentation for seminar (slovak) sep 27 2006 pdf, odp
Presentation for diploma thesis seminar (slovak) jun 29 2006 ppt


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  11. Jens Mehnert: External Memory Suffix Array Construction, Diploma Thesis [source][.pdf]
  12. R. Dementiev, L. Kettner, P. Sanders: Stxxl: Standard Template Library for XXL Data Sets. Technical Report 2005/18, Fakultät für Informatik, University of Karlsruhe [source][.pdf]
  13. Stefan Burkhardt, Juha Kärkkäinen: Fast Lightweight Suffix Array Construction and Checking, CPM 2003, LNCS 2676, pp. 55–69, 2003 [.pdf]
  14. Klaus-Bernd Schurmann, Jens Stoye: An Incomplex Algorithm for Fast Suffix Array Construction, Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, 2005 [.pdf]
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  22. Shunsuke Inenaga, Hiromasa Hoshino, Ayumi Shinohara, Masayuki Takeda, Setsuo Arikawa: On-Line Construction of Symmetric Compact Directed Acyclic Word Graphs, Proc. 8th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE2001), IEEE-CS Press, pp. 96-110, November 2001 [source][.pdf]

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May 01 2007 - Final version of diploma thesis added.

April 30 2007 - Pre-Final version of diploma thesis added.

April 25 2007 - Link added.

April 24 2007 - New working version of thesis.

April 23 2007 - New working version of thesis.

April 10 2007 - R3lib project page link added, new working version of diploma thesis.

March 22 2007 - New version of diploma thesis home page in english. Old version can be found here : Old version of page.