Data structure for representation of maximal repeats in strings
Diploma thesis home page
Author: Michal Linhard
Thesis advisor: Tibor Hegedus
Last changed: May 01 2007
In this diploma thesis we present data structure for representation of maximal
repeats in strings
- R3 tree, based on well known data structure - suffix tree. It requires O(n)
space and it can be
constructed in O(n) time and space for string of length n over constant-sized
alphabet. We formalize repeat in
string S as triple (p1, p2, l), where p1, p2 are two distinct positions in S
and l is the length of the repeat.
We formulate query for maximal repeats in S in the form of the function findPairs(p1,
k, S)
that returns all pairs (p2, l) such that (p1, p2, l) is maximal repeat with
l >= k. R3 tree allows
computation of findPairs queries in optimal time O(z), where z is the number
of found pairs. We
also describe design and functionality of R3lib
- library written in C, for finding maximal repeats
in arbitrary binary data, that works with proposed structure.
Name |
Last change |
Link |
Diploma thesis - final version |
may 01 2007 |
pdf |
Diploma thesis TeX sources + figures - final version |
may 01 2007 |
zip |
Diploma thesis - working version |
apr 24 2007 |
pdf |
Diploma thesis - working version |
apr 23 2007 |
pdf |
Diploma thesis - working version |
apr 10 2007 |
pdf |
Diploma thesis - working version |
mar 26 2007 |
pdf |
Diploma thesis - working version |
mar 22 2007 |
pdf |
Fourth presentation for seminar (slovak) |
feb 2 2007 |
pdf, odp |
Third presentation for seminar (slovak) |
nov 29 2006 |
pdf, odp |
Second presentation for seminar (slovak) |
sep 27 2006 |
pdf, odp |
Presentation for diploma thesis seminar (slovak) |
jun 29 2006 |
ppt |
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Relevant software
May 01 2007 - Final version of diploma thesis added.
April 30 2007 - Pre-Final version of diploma thesis added.
April 25 2007 - Link added.
April 24 2007 - New working version of thesis.
April 23 2007 - New working version of thesis.
April 10 2007 - R3lib project page link added, new working version of diploma
March 22 2007 - New version of diploma thesis home page in english. Old version
can be found here : Old version of page.